German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
As an annual event, the German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction is the largest national platform where a wide variety of disaster risk reduction stakeholders exchange ideas and network with each other.
General information about the conference
The German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction is an elementary component of the national resilience strategy and is organized by our institutional member, the German Red Cross. In addition to BBK and katNET, DKKV has also supported the event in the planning committee since its inception in 2016. Previously, DKKV was already active as an organizer in the previous Expert Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction.
On this page you will find information about the current conference as well as past events.
Next German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
The next German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction will take place on 26 and 27 March 2025 under the title ‘From Climate Change to Crisis: Integrating Disaster Preparedness and Climate Action’. The conference is supported by the DKKV, the BBK and katNet and will take place at the Tagungswerk Berlin as well as online.
The conference offers an opportunity to learn from each other, share best practices and create new collaborations to address the alarming developments of climate change. Through dialogue between different disciplines and stakeholders, the aim is to develop effective solutions that work both locally and globally.
Further information can be found here.

The Call for Sessions is open – Submit your proposal now!
The 2025 Disaster Risk Reduction Symposium thrives on your innovative approaches, valuable experiences and practical solutions to the challenges of our time. We are looking for proposals for sessions on the topic From Climate Change to Crisis: Integrating Climate Change Aspects into Disaster Risk Reduction
Submit your session proposal now and share your knowledge with national and international disaster risk reduction experts.
Proposals can be submitted here until 20 November 2024:
In addition to the activities in the planning committee, DKKV offers various workshops on current topics of disaster risk reduction during the conference. Below you can gain insights into the DKKV workshops of the past conferences.
Conference Pre-Events 2023
The German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2023 consisted of three preparatory workshops for next year’s conference held on 22nd and 23rd of April.
DKKV helped organize two of these workshops:
Workshop “Resilience in Germany – Today and Tomorrow”
Organized by DKKV and NKS a Future Literacy Workshop took place at the DKKV office in October. The day started with online lectures by the DKKV on the current state of the INCREASE project and limits of resilience measurement. NKS presented the current status of the implementation of the Sendai Framework in Germany.
In the afternoon 20 disaster risk reduction stakeholders asked themselves “How do we live resilience in 2045?”. The participants discussed where we currently stand with the implementation of the Sendai Framework and together took a look into the future of our lives as well as the future of resilience development. The aim was to formulate probable, desirable and alternative futures in order to understand individual and collective assumptions about the future.
The workshop was developed and organised by ma ma Interactive System Design.
Workshop “Sharing practice: disaster relief and management abroad and at home”
The workshop on disaster relief and management abroad and at home, organized by DKKV and ADH was held at the start of November and began with hybrid keynote lectures by ASB, DKH-RWL, and KFS.
This was followed by a series of workshops for the guests present, consisting of 5 different tables and two rounds in which the participants exchanged ideas, analysed the current status, shared practical experiences and identified needs for exchange and next steps. The topics dealt with: the coordination of higher-level structures, cooperation with spontaneous aid initiatives, needs assessment, community-based disaster risk reduction and the inclusion of vulnerable groups.
Conference 2022
Workshop “Risk culture in different countries: How can we learn from each other to reach a more positive risk culture?”
With panelists from Indonesia, Canada, France and Germany, this workshop presented and compared international perspectives on risk culture and initiated mutual learning. Risk culture encompasses the way societies and groups perceive and deal with risks. Risk culture differs from region to region and from country to country. Therefore, this exchange of ideas could help to better understand one’s own risk culture and to learn from each other in order to achieve a progressive risk culture that promotes prevention, as risks can be actively addressed. An important component of this is risk communication, which plays a central role in risk perception and can strengthen a positive risk culture.
The speakers first presented the respective risk culture in their country and then went into lessons learned and best practice examples. After the four input presentations, the panel analyzed and discussed together with the audience how risk culture can be strengthened in the respective countries, but also locally and internationally, and at the same time how these impulses can be used for resilience in society as a whole.
The workshop was organized by the French Association for Disaster Risk Reduction – Natural and Technological (AFPCNT) and DKKV, which have an ongoing collaboration and have carried out joint initiatives to advance various cooperation activities and exchange of best practices among their members as part of the civil society structures of their respective national disaster risk reduction (DRR) platforms.
Conference 2021
Workshop “Resilience of Critical Infrastructures – Challenges and Approaches to Digitalization”
Critical infrastructures (CRITIS) have been increasingly affected by attacks and failures in the recent past, and the resilience of CRITIS has become the focus of public attention more than ever before.
As part of the German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, DKKV organized a workshop on CRITIS “Resilience of Critical Infrastructures – Challenges and Solutions of Digitalization”, as it did last year. The workshop was moderated by Dr. Benni Thiebes and featured three keynote presentations highlighting different theoretical and practical aspects of the resilience of digital critical infrastructures. The more digital our society becomes, the more important it is that digital infrastructures become resilient – because they are exposed to attacks. The presentations presented the conceptual foundations of digital CRITIS resilience and created awareness of risks, needs and challenges through practical examples.
In the presentations and the subsequent discussion, it became clear that the resilience of CRITIS requires long-term planning. In addition to technical measures, however, activities that also play a central role in other areas of disaster risk management are particularly necessary, such as improved communication and training measures, an increased exchange between stakeholders and a positive dealing with mistakes.

Recording of the workshop in German
Graphic in German of the workshop by Sebastian Lörscher (Visual Facilitators)

Conference 2020
Workshop “Digital and Critical Infrastructures”
The German Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, on October 19 and 20, 2020, was organized as an online event by the German Red Cross, supported by Katastrophennetz e.V., the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V. (DKKV), and sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office. Through lectures, workshops, panels, interviews and chats, participants were able to actively learn about national and international disaster preparedness, this year under the overarching theme of early warning. Among other things, DKKV participated in the conference with a workshop on digital and critical infrastructures.
Our society is becoming increasingly digital and thus more dependent on resilient digital infrastructures. Overall, this also increases the requirements for data and failure safety of IT systems and the critical infrastructures coupled with them. The workshop was introduced by 3 presentations on different aspects of resilience of digital Critical Infrastructures and their importance for societal life as well as the requirements of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The presentations and the practical examples described within the aim to create awareness for risks, needs and challenges of digital Critical Infrastructures. In addition, solutions and recommendations for action were presented and discussed with the workshop participants.

Recording of the workshop in German
Graphic in German of the workshop by Sebastian Lörscher (Visual Facilitators)