… a civil society platform for disaster risk reduction in Germany.
… an intermediary to international organisations and initiatives active in the field of disaster risk reduction.
… a competence center for all questions of national and international disaster risk reduction.
our Vision
Creating a resilient society through sustainable crisis and disaster risk preparedness.
our Mission
The mission of the DKKV consists of the following five points
(1) Promote networking,
(2) initiate dialogues,
(3) provide action-oriented advice,
(4) research & communicate, and
(5) store and communicate knowledge.
Strategie 2030+
Sendai Framework
Statutes of the DKKV
DKKV fields of work
DKKV as a research partner
History of the DKKV
our Vision
Creating a resilient society through sustainable crisis and disaster risk preparedness.
our Mission
Promote networking
We network nationally and internationally between actors and initiatives in the fields of crisis and disaster risk reduction, sustainability, climate change adaptation and resilience.
initiate dialogues
We provide a platform and initiate formats for interdisciplinary exchange between science, politics, practice and civil society.
provide action-oriented advice
We support decision-makers with demand- and action-oriented knowledge.
research & communicate
We actively accompany interdisciplinary research activities and communicate their results effectively and transparently.
store and communicate knowledge
We collect the state of the art in research and communicate findings in a way that is appropriate for the target group.
DKKV fields of work
The DKKV network thrives on the exchange of information and experiences among members and other experts. This exchange is supported by events such as workshops and (web)-talks as well as by information materials (position papers, newsletters, social media, etc.). A central element is to organise, together with members, national expert forums on current topics of disaster risk reduction. In addition, DKKV is active in a number of national and international networks.
Through our diverse expertise from different operational and scientific fields, we bring together stakeholders and offer consulting services as an interdisciplinary neutral platform. Among other things, we develop reports, policy briefs, lessons-learned studies and proposals for future scenarios for crises and disasters at home and abroad. In addition, thematic talk series are held for the exchange between science and various stakeholders.
knowledge transfer
We are an inter-, transdisciplinary and neutral network and take on the special challenge of bundling knowledge and making results from the network available in a way that is as practical as possible. In this way, we support a systematic processing and evaluation of results on which practitioners can base their work on. This also includes a dialog on future topics and the provision of materials for risk communication.
Institutional Members
Personal Members
Young Professionals
Strategie 2030+
Here you can read the current statutes of the DKKV.STRATEGY 2030+ (German only)
Learn more about the Strategy 2030+. The strategy paper serves as a guiding roadmap for the DKKV’s work in the coming years.
Statutes of the DKKV
Here you can read the current statutes of the DKKV (germany only).

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
In March 2015, the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was held in Sendai, Japan. There, the “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction” was adopted, which provides tools for proactive risk management and aims to limit the impact of disasters.
The Sendai Framework provides states, NGOs and all other actors in disaster risk reduction with an instrument for forward-looking risk management. Thus, Sendai sets the stage for significantly limiting the impact of disasters by 2030. The action-oriented goals of the framework have also guided DKKV’s work since its adoption.
In 2023, the Mitdterm Review of the Sendai Framework will be completed. Read more here. DKKV’s Young Professionals also published a discussion paper on this topic.
DKKV as a REsearch partner
Research plays an important role in the further development of disaster prevention strategies and in the entire field of civil protection. The broad networking represents a unique selling point of the DKKV. This makes the committee predestined to be a partner in research projects in the field of disaster risk reduction and civil protection. As a network, the DKKV has a special opportunity to bundle and contribute diverse expertise from different operational and scientific areas of disaster risk management to research projects. The DKKV’s goal is to establish a link between science, practice and politics and to support research projects in a demand-oriented manner. In particular, the coordination of research activities, the design of communication within research consortia and beyond, as well as the synthesis of research results and their dissemination according to needs and target groups are in the foreground.
In addition, the DKKV can become involved as a partner in research projects in order to contribute to the further development of disaster prevention strategies and in the entire field of civil protection.
The DKKV coordinates activities in research projects and projects and, due to the broad expertise of its network, can efficiently guide research work, link up with existing work in order to generate synergies and avoid duplication of research.
The DKKV manages the communication between individual partners in research projects and organizes the targeted dissemination of research results to national and international recipients.
Due to its extensive networking of different expertises, the DKKV is able to synthesize existing research results and approaches and to prepare them in a way that is appropriate to the needs and target groups.
With the start of the United Nations International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) in 1990, the German IDNDR Committee for Disaster Reduction was established in Bonn. It was seamlessly succeeded by the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) in 2000. Since then, the DKKV has shaped discussions on disaster risk reduction in Germany and was also recognized in the international context as the National Platform of the “United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction” (UNDRR). The National Contact Point for the German Resilience Strategy and the Sendai Framework is now located at the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance. In 2010, DKKV was appointed National Contact Point in the International Research for Disaster Risk (IRDR) program and contributed to the establishment of the “IRDR International Centre of Excellence on Critical Infrastructures and Strategic Planning” (IRDR ICoE-CISP) at the University of Stuttgart in 2015. In addition to its role as a contact point for IRDR, DKKV has also been the National Contact Point for the “Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction” (GNDR) since 2020. Since its adoption in 2015, DKKV has been supporting the implementation of the “Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction 2015-2030” at the federal and state levels.
Former chairman of the DKKV
- Hans-Jürgen Wischnewski (1992-1996)
- Hans Koschnick (1996-1998)
- Norbert Blüm (1999-2001)
- Irmgard Schwaetzer (2001-2011)
- Gerold Reichenbach (2011-2015)
- Annegret Thieken (2015-2019)
- Katja Doerner (2019-2022)
- Leon Eckert (2023-today)
Become a member
We are very pleased about your interest in an active participation in the German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction. The board of directors will decide on your admission to the association within four weeks.
For Personal members (‘natural persons’) the membership fee is 100 € per year.
Institutional members (‘legal entities’) determine the amount of their annual membership fee themselves when they join DKKV; however, the membership fee is at least € 3,000 per year. For every additional € 2,000, an institutional member receives a further share of the votes of the institutional members.
Young Professionals (‘young members’) pay a reduced fee of € 30 per year. The reduction must be justified in the application for membership. Membership as a Young Professional is limited to five years after your last subject-related degree – unless you are currently in further subject-related training or studies.
Your benefits as a member
Personal Members
- Expand and extend your own network
- Propose topics and develop positions together with others
- Participate in DKKV events and take on active roles
- Participate in conferences (e.g. COP) and project meetings as a DKKV member
- Regular member emails with information on current topics, projects and conferences
- Forwarding enquiries for expert talks or consultancy services
Institutional Members
- Use the DKKV as a neutral platform for events and publications
- DKKV workshop – customised events to facilitate the need for exchange with other stakeholders
- Contribute own positions to DKKV statements
- Associated partnerships in DKKV projects
- Utilise the DKKV network for communication and dissemination
- Access to the broad expertise of the DKKV network
- Find trained junior staff among the young professionals
- Display your own logo on the DKKV website and all DKKV print products
Young Professionals
- Building and expanding your own network
- Propose topics and develop positions together with others
- Participate in DKKV events and take on active roles
- Participate in conferences (e.g. COP) and project meetings as a DKKV member
- Regular member emails with information on current topics, projects and conferences
- Organising and holding events together with other YPs
- Participate in the annual YP meeting
- Use the YP funding pot to participate in events and finance YP projects
- Get to know the professional field and its players and broaden your own horizons