On 16 May 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group will hold another online expert discussion on the CRITIS umbrella law with the question of how it can be possible to establish comprehensive, holistic protection of critical infrastructures and not create a new confusion of responsibilities. Currently, the responsibilities between the numerous actors are not sufficiently clarified. In order to create certainty of action, modern structures are needed that also regulate the cooperation between different stakeholders in a binding and practical manner. With the help of the invited experts, it will be discussed how an institutional framework can be created that ensures the effective cooperation of all actors involved in the protection of CRITIS on the state side and with the CRITIS operators and how clear responsibilities, binding communication structures and an overarching coordination can be established.
You can find more information under this link.