
Results: 358
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Warning Day NRW: how standardized are the sirens in Germany?

On the occasion of today’s state-wide warning day in North Rhine-Westphalia, the DKKV office discussed how uniform the sirens are in Germany. After a brief search, it emerged that there are no standardized siren signals throughout Germany, as the use and design of sirens is the responsibility of the disaster control authorities of the federal […]

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DHL GoHelp Brainstorming event

On the 27th of February members of the Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction met up in the office of DKKV to brainstorm  on the possibilities for DHL GoHelp to expand to Europe. After a brief introduction into the work already being done by DHL GoHelp, participants were encourgaed to call back […]

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Private organizations and state institutions demand equality for helpers

Civil protection in Germany relies on volunteers. However, there are no uniform regulations for volunteers throughout Germany. In Germany, whether there are continued salary payments or social security depends on both the federal state and the type of aid organization. While the volunteer fire department and the THW, as state organizations, offer continued pay in […]

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Hearing on European civil protection in the NRW state parliament

Last Friday, 8th of March 2024, a hearing on the topic “Strengthening European civil protection through NRW initiatives – North Rhine-Westphalia must break its silence and continue to show European solidarity!” took place in the NRW state parliament. DKKV Managing Director Dr. Benni Thiebes was invited as an expert for the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen […]

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National platform for strengthening resilience to disasters concretizes itself

The German resilience strategy includes the establishment of a national platform to strengthen cooperation between a wide range of disaster risk management stakeholders. This measure gave rise to the “National Platform for Strengthening Resilience to Disasters”, which has now begun its work. The platform consists of various networks – DKKV is part of the “Civil […]

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DKKV board member Reimund Schwarze at hearing in the Bundestag

On Monday, March 11, 2024, the Legal Affairs Committee will hold a public hearing on a CDU/CSU motion on natural hazard insurance (20/8732). Among other things, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group calls for insurance contract law to ensure “that in new business, homeowners’ insurance is only offered with natural hazard insurance that can be opted out […]

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Climate risks in Europe require urgent, immediate action

Today, March 11, 2024, the European Environment Agency (EEA) published the first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA). The analysis shows that Europe faces a range of climate risks, which the EUCRA categorizes into five clusters. A total of 36 climate risks for Europe are listed in the five categories of ecosystems, food, health, infrastructure and […]

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Percentage of women in THW continues to rise

The German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) continues to focus on promoting women, especially in management positions. This is reflected in the steady increase in the proportion of women throughout THW in recent years. On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, THW would like to draw attention to all women who […]

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