
Results: 358
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DKKV director at hearing on disaster control in NRW state parliament

The hearing on the topic “Strengthening European civil protection through NRW initiatives – North Rhine-Westphalia must break its silence and continue to show European solidarity!” will take place on March 8, 2024 at 10 a.m. The hearing is based on a motion by the FDP parliamentary group. You can find the motion here. Click here […]

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Save the date – Launch conference of the FLASHFLOODBREAKER project on June 4

North-West Europe is facing an increasing number of flash flood disasters due to climate change. With the aim of making North-West Europe more resilient to flash flood events, the Emschergenossenschaft has launched the FlashFloodBreaker project together with thirteen other partners from Germany, France, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. At the end of the project, […]

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Board member Reimund Schwarze as an expert at the Bundestag

Our Board member Prof. Dr. Reimund Schwarze will take part as an expert witness in a Bundestag hearing on the subject of natural hazard insurance next Monday, March 11. In its motion on natural hazard insurance, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group demands, among other things, that new residential building insurance policies should only be offered in […]

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UNDRR statement on wildfire and earthquake

The United Nations office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has published two statements, one on the devastating wildfires in Chile ealier this year and the other on the one-year anniversary of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Due to 100 fatalities, this year´s wildfires are considered Chile´s deadliest fires on record with expectations that the […]

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Emergency Drill on March 14, 2024

The federal city of Bonn is taking part in the state-wide warning day in North Rhine-Westphalia on Thursday, March 14, 2023. At 11 a.m. on the dot, a test alarm will also be triggered in Bonn to test the various warning concepts.In Bonn, 57 sirens will sound and their functionality will be checked and the […]

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DWD Newsletter about attribution studies

By analyzing observation data and climate model simulations, it is now possible to make statements about the frequency and intensity of weather events. This works on the basis of attribution research, which investigates the extent to which man-made climate change influences the occurrence of extreme weather events. The German Weather Service (DWD) has also been […]

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Register now for the 8th European Civil Protection Forum – 4-5 June 2024

Registration for the 8th European Civil Protection Mechanism, in Brussels, Belgium, is sheduled for 04.-05. June 2024. Please not that registration is required solely for those who wish to participate in person. Since 2003, the Forum has evolved into a significant European assembly for progessionals and decision-making engaged in civil protection. This Forum provides a […]

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EU-Parliament votes in favor of Nature Conservation Law

On Tuesday, the EU Parliament passed the “Nature Restoration Act”, which has been heavily criticized in some quarters, by a narrow majority. This means that more trees will be planted and moors and rivers will be renaturised in the EU in future. As soon as the law is finally approved by the EU member states, […]

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End of extreme Drought in Germany

According to researchers at the Helmholtz Center, the extreme drought in the soil since 2018 has been particularly challenging in northern and eastern Germany and has caused serious damage down to the deeper soil layers. A drought is an extreme event that has not occurred since 1867. The increasing discussion about water supply security is […]

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