
Results: 358
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EU civil protection exercise in Germany

European civil protection is becoming increasingly important as the number of disasters increases and often exceeds the capacities of individual countries. Since 2010, large-scale exercises have been regularly planned and carried out throughout Europe in order to be prepared for crisis situations. Baden-Württemberg is organising the large-scale EU exercise “Magnitude” in October 2024, which will […]

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BBK Participation Campaign

As part of the “With you for all of us” campaign launched by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) in summer 2019, the BBK is looking for exciting stories from volunteers. The aim is to give the commitment of volunteers the attention they deserve. After all, the aid system in Germany […]

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Since 2001, civil protection in Europe has been more than a national task and is coordinated across borders within the Union Civil Protection Mechanism UCPM – if necessary. Efficient and smooth cooperation between emergency services on the ground naturally requires that they are trained and operate according to uniformly high quality standards. The EU Commission […]

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Call for entries for the DKKV Promotional Award 2024 open!

Since 2018, the DKKV has been awarding the annual “DKKV Promotional Award” to recognize current research and best practice examples related to disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management. The prize is aimed at German and English-language Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and is awarded to both the best Bachelor’s thesis and the best Master’s thesis. […]

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Klima-ACT! – Experiencing climate change in Hamburg and countering its consequences

The “Klima-ACT!” project at HAW Hamburg aims to make climate change tangible and actively counteract the consequences. It uses virtual reality to show users the effects of extreme weather events on their personal environment using the example of an allotment garden in Hamburg. Through technically enhanced textiles, users can feel climate change on their own […]

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Compulsory civil defence drills in schools?

In Germany, the federal states themselves are responsible for education and civil protection. Recent crises such as the war in Ukraine or the floods in the Ahr Valley in June 2021 show that we need to build up our resilience in civil defence and disaster control. Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) therefore expressed the […]

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THW 2023 review

The Technische Hilfswerk (THW) has published its annual review for 2023. THW started 2023 with a mission in Turkey. Following the devastating earthquakes, the THW’s emergency services helped to rescue buried victims, supported the United Nations (UN) mission and brought relief supplies totalling around 7.6 million euros to Syria and Turkey. Following heavy rainfall in […]

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AFPCNT and IDRIM Webinar – How to make Risk Based Decision Making for All work and meet the needs of end users?

The French Association for Natural / Technological Disasters Risk Reduction (AFPCNT) and the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) and their international partner organizations from academia and civil society have the common goal of supporting the implementation of the Sendai Framework through the skills and daily commitment of their members, whether in practice […]

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