
Results: 360
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140 years of the DRK water rescue service

This year, DKKV member German Red Cross (DRK) is celebrating the 140th anniversary of Germany’s oldest water rescue organization. Since 1883, the water rescue organization has been providing safety at, in and on the water with the help of its energetic volunteer members. Today, the DRK organization has 100,000 active members, who are mainly involved […]

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Export Hit Voluntary Work: THW Supports Tunisia for 10 Years

The joint project of the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and the Tunisian “Office National de la Protection Civile” (ONPC) has been in place for 10 years now to build up volunteer structures in Tunisian civil protection and disaster management. The volunteers help, for instance, in traffic accidents, floods or forest fires, but […]

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Call for the inter- and transdisciplinary conference on disaster research

The Disaster Research Conference 2023 (FKF23) brings together science and practice in disaster management in order to be best prepared for challenges in disaster preparedness and response. At the conference, research results and projects will be presented from the application side and opportunities for exploitation will be identified. Interested parties are invited to submit a […]

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International Women’s Day 2023: Men and women tackle THW together

Our member THW used International Women’s Day on 8 March 2023 to raise awareness of the issue of gender equality and to draw attention to the need for further change. Because: women are currently still underrepresented in THW. “We want to change this and therefore I would like to invite the male THW members in […]

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Meta-analysis of selected UBA research projects on sustainability-oriented policies

Our institutional member, the Federal Environment Agency, has published a new report on this analysis. The subject of the meta-analysis are 14 research projects that were funded as part of the Federal Environment Ministry’s departmental research over the last ten years and aimed to develop a scientific basis for transformative, sustainability-oriented environmental policy. Further information […]

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International Woman’s Day

In the context of todays International Women’s Day, we would like to draw your attention once again to the DKKV publication series 61. The report “Strong roots, strong women – Women and ecosystem-based adaptation to flood risks in central Vietnam” is about women’s empowerment and participation of women in DRM and CCA in order to […]

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Joint project of THW, BBK and BPOL

With the project “rescEU CBRN Decontamination Capacity”, the EU strengthens its capacities to combat (potentially) chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) hazardous situations. For Germany, one of the three project sites, the DKKV member Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) is taking the lead. Since May 2022, THW has been working with two project partners, the Federal Office […]

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!! Welcome to our new website !!

We are very pleased to welcome you to our new website! We are still working at full speed on the completion of the website. Up to now, not all contents of our old site have been completely transferred – these will follow bit by bit. If you notice any errors while browsing our website, please […]

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