
Results: 360
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Summer School Disaster Risk Reduction 2023 

09th to 15th of July, 2023 Are you studying Earth-, Engineering- or Social Science and are you keen on learning more about Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)? Then join our Summer School on Disaster Risk Reduction this Summer!  Disasters are complex phenomena which increasingly tackle our daily lives now and in the future. Thus, it becomes […]

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Project Completion

The project Destination Resilience (ger. Destinationsresilienz), Quality Infrastructure for Resilient Tourism was concluded in October 2022 after the successful completion of various activities to increase resilience in tourism destinations. In the last phase of the project, further workshops were held in the destinations, also with the participation of politicians, in order to communicate the insights […]

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Brand und First Aid

In September 2022, trainings on first aid and fire fighting were held in Sri Lanka, Ella. The trainings addressed various actors in tourism and were received with great interest. A total of 88 participants took part in the trainings. The main topics were dealing with burns and the recognition and management of fire-based risks. In […]

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Expert workshop on resilience certification

In terms of content, the project is in its final phase. For example, an expert workshop was held on 27.09.2022 to review the possibilities for certifying destinations with regard to their resilience. For this purpose, an expert report on the current status of resilience certification was prepared in advance. During the expert workshop, which was […]

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Delegation visit from Central America

On 07.05.2022, DKKV was visited by a delegation of about 20 people from the project “Urban Resilience: Managing disaster risks for a Safe Central America” from Central America. The regional project is implemented by GIZ and funded by BMZ to improve disaster risk management (DRM) in metropolitan regions of the Central American Integration System (SICA) […]

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INCREASE WebTalk | German Flood Disaster Event 2021

Joint webinar within the INCREASE project Heavy rainfall events are among the most underestimated hazards, as they can occur anywhere andlead to severe flood disasters. Floods as part of extreme meteorological events represent one of thethree scenarios which serve as a basis for the INCREASE project. As part of the INCREASE project, DKKV organised a […]

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Pre-Event “Fostering European Exchange: Transformations towards a sustainable and resilient future”

Flood disasters and hydro-meteorological events are increasing throughout Europe and regularly across national borders. Therefore, a cross-border exchange of national experiences in dealing with disaster risks is valuable and necessary for European and international cooperation. This year, for the first time, an international pre-event was organised as part of the “Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge” (Disaster Risk Reduction […]

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AFPCN-DKKV Webtalk Series

As part of the Franco-German cooperation, the AFPCN-DKKV “Stammtisch” has been held regularly since this year with the long-term aim of creating a European platform to facilitate European cooperation and the exchange of expertise and “best practices” between European platforms and experts. The “Association Française pour la Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles” (AFPCN) is the French […]

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