
Results: 360
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National Voluntary Report Germany – Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

On the occasion of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Germany also published its “National Voluntary Report“. This report provides an overview of the key elements of Germany’s disaster risk management, trends and milestones since the adoption of the Sendai Framework in 2015 and other global agendas, as well as […]

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DRF Air Rescue meets DKKV

On 7 June 2023, the DKKV board met with Mr Peleikis and Dr Pracz of DRF-Luftrettung to get to know each other and discuss joint activities. First, the DKKV and its members introduced themselves, after which the DRF-Luftrettung presented its portfolio and activities. Among other things, the discussion focused on the lessons learned from the […]

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DKKV-Board retreat

The board met on 6 June 2023 at the DKKV office for its annual closed meeting. New focal points of DKKV activities and some upcoming events were discussed. In addition, a strengthening of the young professionals in the DKKV was also considered. The ideas collected will now be elaborated and presented at the next general […]

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Office not available by telephone today

Unfortunately, we are not available at the office today. If you have any questions or concerns, we would be happy to hear from you at We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!

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Awareness and dissemination of precautionary algorithms in Germany

The Emergency Medical Training Centre in Singen e.V. (NOTIS e.V.) is conducting a survey to determine the level of awareness and distribution of precautionary algorithms in Germany. The survey aims to collect information on the training and use of different triage and caution algorithms as well as their regional distribution. Participation in the survey is […]

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Flash News from the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre

The Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre has released a newsflash highlighting the latest developments in the field of Disaster Risk Management. Stay informed about powerful tools such as INFORM Risk data and Global Human Settlement Data, enabling anticipation and mitigation of global disasters. Enhance risk awareness with a concise overview of scientific publications, benefiting both […]

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How do we effectively fight vegetation fires? – Professor Dr Johann Georg Goldammer in conversation with “IM EINSATZ”

The latest edition of the disaster management podcast “IM EINSATZ” is now available. This episode focuses on the topic of vegetation fires. In this interview, Jan Müller-Tischer talks to Thorsten Sprenger from @fire and Professor Dr Johann Georg Goldammer, Director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and member of the DKKV. The effects of […]

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DCNA survey: needs for hydrometeorological and technological risks in focus of COVALEX project

The Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) is conducting a survey within the framework of the EU-funded network project COVALEX to identify the needs of the hydrometeorological and technological hazards community. COVALEX aims to build a community of experts in risk management and civil protection and brings together scientists, practitioners and policy makers. Interested persons are […]

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