
Results: 360
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Call for Abstracts: “A Cultural Turn in Disaster Studies” at the NEEDS Conference

The Disaster Research Unit at FU-Berlin is inviting abstract submissions for their session titled “A cultural turn in disaster studies? Exploring epistemological, socio-historical, and scalar perspectives” at the upcoming NEEDS Conference. This session aims to examine the role of culture in building disaster-resilient societies from various perspectives. Abstracts can be submitted via the portal until […]

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Open Campus on the topic of management in hazard prevention

The FOM University Centre Berlin invites you to an event on 6 June with the topic “Disaster-Resilient Germany? Management in hazard prevention”. Experts will discuss disaster prevention and management in Germany. In addition, the new degree programme “Management in Hazard Defence” will be presented. Participation is free of charge, either online or on site. Further […]

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Behörden Spiegel Newsletter – Current developments in civil protection

The current Behörden Spiegel newsletter reports on various topics in the field of civil protection, rescue and disaster management. One of the main topics is risk analysis in civil protection. The newsletter emphasises that in view of global crises and the effects of climate change, a rethink and new structures are necessary to be able […]

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Highlights of the DKKV Lunchtalk on structural civil protection

On 31 May 2023, the DKKV organised a digital lunch talk on the topic of “Constructional Civil Protection”. DKKV member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gebekken from the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich was the guest speaker and gave an overview of the content and challenges of projects in this field. Current projects were also […]

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Application period for this year’s DKKV Promotional award has been extended

Since 2018, the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) has annually announced the “DKKV Promotional Award” to honor current research and best practice examples related to disaster reduction and disaster risk management. The application deadline for this year’s sponsorship award has now been extended to 15th of June! The prize is aimed at German- and […]

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Sendai Framework Political Declaration highlights vital role of MCR2030 and UNDRR’s Global Education and Training Institute

(Source: Unsplash) The United Nations General Assembly in New York has adopted the Political declaration of the high-level meeting on the midterm review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030.The political declaration conveyed ‘deep concern that the pace of implementation is not sufficient or equal’. In response to this worrying assessment, the political […]

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Sabine Lackner will be the future President of THW

Sabine Lackner will be the first President of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in Germany. The Federal Cabinet made its decision yesterday. Lackner, the current Vice-President of THW, will take office on 1 July 2023 and succeed Gerd Friedsam, who is retiring. THW is a voluntary organisation with more than 85,000 volunteers and […]

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Federal government publishes report on risk analysis 2020 to 2022

The German government has now published its report on risk analysis in civil protection 2020 to 2022, which, in addition to the analysis, also addresses a possible realignment of civil protection. The report defines four key statements, such as that the resilience of the state and society to disasters should become a greater focus of […]

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