
Results: 360
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THW report on the follow-up to the heavy rain event “bernd” 2021

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) has published a report on the follow-up to the operations in relation to the heavy rain event “Bernd”. All 668 local units of the THW were engaged in technical support after the 2021 flash floods in the Ahr valley and NRW, 400 of them in the first week […]

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Delegation Visit from Peru – Excursion to the Ahr Valley

After having been introduced the day before, the DKKV office visited the Ahr Valley on 16 June together with Alfredo Zambrano, representative of the Peruvian “Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres” (CENEPRED). Dr. Elisabeth Schöpfer (DLR), Dr. Stefan Jäger (geomer GmbH), Harald Spahn (consultant), and Christian D. León (DIALOGIK) also […]

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Last week, a delegation of the “RIESGOS 2.0” project visited several german organisations for civil protection and disaster management. The occasion was a visit of Alfredo Zambrano, representative of the Peruvian “Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres” (CENEPRED). Within the framework of the project, experts from different disciplines are working […]

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THW supports Ukraine after dam explosion with 5,000 water filters

After the explosion of the Kachowka dam in Ukraine, the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is sending 5,000 water filters as relief supplies to the Ukrainian disaster management. The water filters are to help supply families with clean water. THW has provided the relief goods from its logistics centre and prepared the transport. […]

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“Quirky Disaster Research Misfits: Unconventional, Rare, and Exceptional Topics in Disaster Studies” at NEEDS Conference 2023

As part of the Needs Conference, the panel “Quirky Disaster Research Misfits: Unconventional, Rare, and Exceptional Topics in Disaster Studies” will take place from October 31 to November 2 during the main conference. It aims to explore unique and unconventional topics that don’t fit traditional disaster research frameworks. By discussing these “quirky” subjects, the panel […]

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Germany’s first National Security Strategy was published

Today, 14 June 2023, the Federal Cabinet published the National Security Strategy for Germany. The National Security Strategy focuses on integrated security and includes measures to ensure the security of the country and its population. A central aspect of this strategy is the emphasis on cooperation between all relevant actors, resources and instruments to ensure […]

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Civil Protection Day 2023

On 24 June 2023, the Civil Protection Day in Potsdam invites you to be there live and experience first-hand how we can prepare together for crisis situations. With more than 40 actors from fire protection, civil protection and disaster management, the event offers gripping insights, informative presentations and entertaining activities around disaster preparedness on an […]

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New date for the 2nd workshop of the “RisiK Communication” Working Group

The second workshop on risk communication, organised by the working group “Risk Communication” of the Bonn Netwerk International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction, will take place on 3 August 2023 from 15:00 to 17:00 in the DKKV meeting room in Bonn. The workshop builds on the discussions of the previous workshop in May and […]

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