
Results: 359
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Application phase for postgraduate programme “International Cooperation for Sustainable Development” launched

The SLE Postgraduate Programme “International Cooperation for Sustainable Development” is a one-year advanced certificate programme that imparts valuable know-how, innovative methodological competencies and expert knowledge and facilitates career entry as well as the professional pursuit of a profession in International Cooperation (IC). Every year, 20 applicants are selected for the SLE programme on the basis […]

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THW Annual Report 2022 published

The Annual Report 2022 shows the most important highlights of THW’s work in the past year. THW President Gerd Friedsam presented the report to Interior Minister Nancy Faeser as part of the Civil Protection Day. In 2022, THW was able to record a record number of volunteers who showed their commitment in the Ukraine war […]

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Network for heat protection founded for the people of Brandenburg

Under the roof of the Ministry of Health and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Climate Protection, the “Central Heat Protection Network” was founded last week in Potsdam. The network is coordinated by the new Heat Protection Unit in the Ministry and is part of the implementation of the Heat Action Plan, with which […]

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Threat of water shortage in the Spree after coal withdrawal in Lusatia

A study commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency warns of water shortages along the Spree after the coal phase-out in Lusatia. Lignite mining has artificially increased the flow of water, but the phase-out will drastically change the water balance. In dry summer months, the Spree could locally carry up to 75 percent less water, which […]

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INCREASE Project Meeting Cologne

At the end of June, the German project partners of the INCREASE project met in Cologne. The three days meeting provided space for various moments of exchange and discussion as well as for joint learning and networking. The project meeting focused on the knowledge transfer workshop on Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM), which aimed to […]

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Invitation to the online seminar

On 30 June from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., bezev is organising the online seminar “Inclusion as a human right – taking people with disabilities into account in development cooperation”. This is the first seminar of the training series on inclusive and human rights-based implementation of development projects. Registration for the online seminar is still […]

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DLR visits Air Show 2023 in France

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) will be presenting innovative research at the Paris Air Show from 19 to 25 June 2023. Highlights include satellites for environmental observation, high-flying platforms and climate-compatible engines for air transport. The importance of Earth observation satellites is particularly highlighted as they provide important data to understand environmental change and climate […]

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The ASB Civil Protection Congress 2023

The ASB Civil Protection Congress 2023 took place on 28 April in Cologne and addressed the challenges and future viability of population protection in Germany. There were presentations on various topics, including the future of civil protection and the impact of climate change. The event was concluded with a panel discussion in which Leon Eckert, […]

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THW report on the follow-up to the heavy rain event “bernd” 2021

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) has published a report on the follow-up to the operations in relation to the heavy rain event “Bernd”. All 668 local units of the THW were engaged in technical support after the 2021 flash floods in the Ahr valley and NRW, 400 of them in the first week […]

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