
Results: 359
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Hearing on Civil Protection in the Interior Committee

On 3 July 2023, the Committee on the Interior and Home Affairs dealt with the topic of civil protection. Various experts were invited to a hearing, which can now be viewed on the Bundestag website. Civil protection in Germany is well positioned, but there is a need for improvement, especially in major crisis situations. The […]

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Federal Environment Agency: study on achieving the 2030 climate targets

Which political measures can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Germany by 65% (compared to 1990) by 2030? This was prescribed as the target in the Climate Protection Act in 2021. The Federal Environment Agency answers this question in the newly published 500-page “Climate Protection Instruments Scenario 2030”. In a comparative scenario, it was calculated that […]

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EU NATO Task Force on the Resilience of Critical Infrastructure

On 16 March 2023 a joint EU – NATO task force started its work on resilience of critical infrastructure. It was one of the aims to identify current security challenges and find recommendations on how to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure. The now published Final Assessment Report highlights that there are sectors that can […]

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Workshop with Islamic Welfare Association An-Nusrat in Mayschoss

On Saturday 24 June 2023, the DKKV was invited to a workshop on the topic of “Building back stronger: Reflections and Strategies from the Flood Disaster 2021” of the An-Nusrat e.V. – Islamic Welfare Association in Germany. Executive Director Dr Benni Thiebes presented the DKKV and the lessons learned from the 2021 flood disaster, which […]

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UN Assembly on Midterm Review of Sendai Framework Implementation

In “Failing to prepare we prepare to fail” were the words of H.E. Csaba Kőrösi, President of the United Nations General Assembly on the Midterm Review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Mid June the regional meeting was held for Europe and Central Asia. Member States are urged for […]

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Smoke from the forest fires in Canada in a weakened form also in Germany

According to measurements of the German Weather Service (DWD), the consequences of the fires in Canada can also be detected in Germany in a strongly weakened form. The particles from the forest fires, which have reached higher layers of the atmosphere, are brought to us with a new westerly weather pattern in Central Europe and […]

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Publication from bfn and UFZ: RIverine and Coastal Wetlands for Biodiversity and climate

A publication by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) with the participation of researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) sheds light on the role of “Riverine and Coastal Wetlands in Europe for Biodiversity and Climate”. Among other things, the publication serves as background information and knowledge base for the 5th European […]

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IRDR Framework Phase II

In 2021, the Framework for Global Science has been developped to guide the future of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR). It bears the title “Risk-informed Sustainable Development and Planetary Health” and has now officially been activated to be the base for IRDR Phase II. With the agreement of the five parties – International Science […]

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National Heat Protection Plan

On 26 June 2023, the Federal Ministry of Health presented a new project: the National Heat Protection Plan based on the French model is to be drawn up in an interministerial working group. The aim is to create nationwide possibilities for action, which place particular emphasis on the protection of vulnerable groups and on warning […]

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