
Results: 359
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WebTalk and New Topic Page: Germany in International Disaster Management

Natural hazards and disasters are a challenge for people worldwide. For this reason, there are numerous supranational organizations that are networked and involved in a variety of ways. While the topic page gives an overview of the main players and Germany’s role in international disaster management, we will talk about this in more detail in […]

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winners of this year’s dkkv Promotional award have been chosen

This year we were once again pleased to receive numerous applications for the DKKV promotional Award. Due to the many high-quality final theses, it was difficult for the jury to make a decision. We are therefore pleased to announce that this year’s winners have been chosen! In the Bachelor’s category, Jana Wiedemann (Berlin School of […]

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Topic Page Updated: Serious Games

Serious games take their name from the idea that serious content can often be conveyed more memorably through play. Instead of a dry lecture, games arouse interest and capture attention. But even though they are games, serious games by no means disregard raising awareness of serious topics and further education. In many areas, knowledge can […]

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DWD has a new president since beginning of august

Since 1 August 2023, Prof. Dr. Sarah C. Jones has taken her place as new President of the German Weather Service (DWD). Having previously headed the Research and Development Division and been a member of the Executive Board, she thus replaced Prof. Dr. Gerhard Adrian, who was President of the DWD for 13 years. She […]

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CEDIM Report on the global heat wave 2023

The “Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology” of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has published a report on the current global heat wave. The report describes the climatic conditions that are a prerequisite for such a heat wave, analyses geopotential anomalies and sea surface temperatures, as well as temperature records. The report goes […]

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BBK study: funding support for resilience-building measures

The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) published a study this week on funding opportunities for resilience-building measures. The study presents existing resilience-related funding in Germany and the EU, including brief overviews of funding opportunities for different stakeholders. Funding programmes explicitly for resilience could not be found at either federal or EU […]

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On August 8, 2023, the DKKV welcomed the BSKI to its office in Bonn. The “Bundesverband für den Schutz Kritischer Infrastrukturen e.V.” (Association for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure BSKI) has the task of reducing security risks for critical infrastructures and their suppliers by offering protection concepts, research projects, training programmes and dialogues with science […]

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Earth Overshoot Day on August 2, 2023

Earth Overshoot Day marks the day in the year when those ecological resources of the world are used up that could be restored in one year. It fell on Wednesday last week, 02 August, in 2023. According to the calculations of the Global Footprint Network, we have used up the resources of 1.7 Earths annually […]

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