
Results: 359
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2. Workshop Risk Communication of the Bonn Network

The working group “Risk Communication” of the Bonn Network International Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction met yesterday, 03 August, for the 2nd workshop on the topic of the same name. Melissa Schönholz and Durga Mohanakrishnan first gave an introduction to the topic and presented, among other things, methods, approaches and tools of risk communication. […]

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Law on Climate Adaptation to enter into force in 2024

On 13 July, the Federal Cabinet adopted a draft of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) on climate adaptation. This still has to be discussed in the Bundestag and Bundesrat, and should come into force in 2024. The aim of the draft law is “the precautionary risk-based […]

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On 02 August, 2023 Tom Zugasti, research doctoral student of AFPCNT was visiting DKKV. He is conducting research on the topic: “Risk prevention and crisis management tools at the interface of cooperation between territorial players: feedback and comparative study on preventive flood risk management in three European territories: France, Germany and Belgium“. The Association Française […]

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New Workshop series of the Zentrum KlimaAnpassung

The “Zentrum KlimaAnpassung” (Centre for Climate Adaptation), an initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, offers a first four-part workshop series in Magdeburg for northern federal states between November 2023 and March 2024. All four dates should be attended to ensure completeness; a second series of workshops […]

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UNDRR Special News Bulletin on Heatwaves, Wildfires and Drought

Most organisations dealing with Civil Protection have talked about topics like “Tips with more than 30 degrees – Heat wave” (DRK), “July 2023 is set to be the hottest month on record” (WMO) in the past weeks and Deutsche Welle has installed a topic page on Drought and Heat at its Website Header. These topics […]

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Forest Fire Statistics for 2022 published

The Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) published the forest fire statistics for the year 2022 on Tuesday, according to which about 3058 hectares of forest area have been destroyed by 2397 fires. According to the BLE, this is roughly equivalent to the area of the island of Borkum and is the second largest […]

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THW: “Zeitenwende” in the 2023 framework concept

The THW’s framework concept 2023 focuses on its expanded tasks in the sense of the “Zeitenwende” (watershed moment). This results in a broad spectrum of new operational situations for securing and defending democracy, in line with the National Security Strategy. Likewise, THW regards it as important to increase security awareness and resilience of the population. […]

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