
Results: 359
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Call for ideas to support the EU Green Deal and the UN SDGs

The Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is launching a call for ideas to support the EU Green Deal and the UN SDGs. Possible application areas for the EU Green Deal: EU climate protection targets for 2030 and 2050; development of a fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food system; shift to sustainable and […]

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Natural Disasters Management Summit entitled „Protecting lives – Building resilience” September 13th in Thessaloniki

The impact of natural disasters and the following responses have been at the heart of the debate “Protecting lives – Building resilience” and a key issue in the global agenda, due to the growing consequences of the climate crisis, amongst others. In order to create a holistic understanding, factors such as, anthropogenic climate change, urbanization, […]

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DKKV-Newsletter #2 2023 is published

In the current issue of our newsletter we deal with the topic “Civil-Military Cooperation” and get interesting insights from experts about their work in the field of disaster and civil protection. In this issue, we also report on a new institutional member of DKKV, the DRF Air Rescue. An interview with Mr. Klinner, Head of […]

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Pre-events for the Disaster Risk Reduction Conference 22-23/04/2024

In past years, the Disaster Risk Reduction Conference was held in October. Though, due to numerous events in autumn, the symposium has now been rescheduled for 22-23/04/2024. However, three pre-events will be held in advance to prepare for the conference. 12/10/2023 Online: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. “Same Same but Different? – Anticipatory Action from International Practice […]

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DKKV at the EUGEO Conference in Barcelona

Last week, the 9th Congress of the Union of European Geographical Societies (EUGEO) took place in Barcelona. Our colleague Ronja Winkhardt-Enz participated in the session “Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) for a Resilient Future: Geographical linkages of social, spatial, and temporal dimensions”, which was organised, moderated and co-designed by INCREASE partners. Ronja Winkhardt-Enz presented the […]

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DRF Luftrettung is new member of DKKV

DRF Luftrettung officially became a new institutional member of the DKKV in July. “We are looking forward to the exchange with other members and experts and to actively participating in disaster risk management. In the event of natural hazards such as floods, earthquakes or forest fires, we support the authorities and emergency services on site. […]

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Nationwide warning day on 14 September 2023

In a state of disaster, functioning warning systems are essential. For this reason, the nationwide warning channels are tested once a year, this year on September 14. On Thursday at around 11 a.m., the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) triggers the test warning via the so-called Modular Warning System. In response, […]

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Bonner SDG-Days 2030

17 goals for a sustainable world. With the Sustainable Development Goals, in 2025 the United Nations defined 17 goals for a sustainable world to be accomplished by 2030. Between 10.09.2023 and 01.10.2023, numerous activities around the topic of sustainability will take place in Bonn city. Amongst other things, you can participate in talks and discussions, […]

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FIRE mobil

Our society is facing unprecedented challenges. Climate change is in full swing and the effects are fatal. In Germany, an integrated assistance system kicks in when needed – the hazard prevention chain – which is a complex standardized procedure due to various tasks and responsibilities as well as a multitude of actors from the municipality […]

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