
Results: 358
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The German Strategy on Climate Foreign Policy

In the middle of the week, Germany became the first country in the world with a “Climate Foreign Policy Strategy”, which emphasizes the importance of the Paris Agreement and sees climate protection as an important part of foreign policy. The document enshrines the idea of “closer international cooperation, for no country is in a position […]

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COP from A-Z (W) – Rest-day at COP

Adaptation: Adaptation is the process of adapting to the effects of climate change. BECCS: “Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage” is the process of extracting bioenergy from biomass and capturing and storing the carbon, thereby removing it from the atmosphere, to lower CO2 concentrations. CBDR: “Common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities”, is a principle […]

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Day 7 at Cop28 in Dubai

Presentation of the new Global Tipping Points Report The new tipping point report by the University of Exeter’s Global Systems Institute was compiled by 200 scientists from over 90 organisations in 26 countries and presented at COP28 on 6 December. The report identifies various tipping points: critical thresholds beyond which the climate system can change […]

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Day 6 at COP28 in Dubai

DKKV Young Professionals at the COP Two of the DKKY Young Professionals, Denis Wengenroth and Stefan Mönnich, are currently in Dubai and are following the COP on site. The two have already been able to take part in numerous panels and events on topics that are particularly relevant to DKKV’s work. These include, among others, […]

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Day 5 at COP28 in Dubai

Controversy surrounding COP28 President Al Jaber The Guardian reported on Sunday about an appearance by COP28 President Al Jaber at an event organised by the “SHE changes climate” campaign. There, Al Jaber stated that there is “no scientific evidence” to suggest that phasing out fossil fuels is necessary to limit global warming to 1.5°C. This […]

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Delegation from Central Asia

Yesterday, we once again welcomed a delegation for an extensive visit to the DKKV office – this time from Central Asia. At the beginning, Benni Thiebes introduced the work of DKKV and then reported on the basic idea of resilience. To delve deeper into this topic, the guests played the serious game on prevention, climate […]

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1st Weekend at the COP28 in Dubai

UNDRR & UNOPS host the Secretariat of the Santiago Network The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) have been decided on as the new hosts for the secretariat of the Santiago Network. Aim of the Santiago Network is to avert, minimize and address loss and […]

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Day 2 at COP28 in Dubai

Loss and Damage Building on the results of COP27 with the decision to set up a fund for climate damage, it has now already been decided on the first day of the COP28 conference how this should function. The UN Organization for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) calculates the “loss and damage” (LDF) as a result […]

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