
Results: 359
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DKKV is welcoming a new board member

DKKV is welcoming new board member Dr. Stephanie Hänsel. Ms. Hänsel completed her doctorate at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg with a scholarship from the German Federal Foundation for the Environment on regional climate change with a focus on heavy rainfall and drought. In her habilitation, she covered the range from concepts for analyzing climate change, […]

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The Monitoring report 2023 is published

The Federal Environment Agency’s third monitoring report 2023 on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS) has been published. The overarching goal of the DAS is to reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems and society to the consequences of climate change while increasing the resilience and adaptability of these systems. In order to be […]

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Regional Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2023: Europe and Central Asia

The UNDRR has released this year’s Regional Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction for Europe and Central Asia. This year’s report presents three broad, interconnected risk drivers that contribute to characterizing the complexity of risk management in the region. Key drivers of risk are: These themes are not isolated. Instead, they are treated throughout the […]

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Call for Abstracts

The 35th International Geographical Congress is taking place in Dublin between 24.-30. August 2024. This conference is recognising that our world faces many common natural and societal challenges that can only be dealt with through global action, understanding, and sharing. The theme of the next congress is “Celebrating a World of Differences.” If you happen […]

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Panel Diskussion – “Bonn – Pioneer in Disaster Risk Management?”

Last Wednesday, several representatives of the Bonn Network of Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction and some institutional members of DKKV met for a panel discussion as part of “…Wednesdays at the GIUB” at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bonn. Moderated by Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott and Regina Fleischmann, the five panel […]

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The sensitivity of politicians and the population to the concerns and challenges of public health protection will be addressed at the CP Symposium on Public Health Protection on December 12, 2023 in Berlin. Once again this year, you can expect an exciting program with high-ranking speakers and a concluding panel discussion. This year’s event will […]

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German conference for disaster risk reduction 2024 | Call for Sessions

On 22 and 23 April 2024, the annual German Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction, organised by the German Red Cross, will take place. This year’s theme is “On the edge? Disaster risk reduction in fragile times”. This follows several years of crises in Europe, which have shown that climate change, health crises, social and geopolitical […]

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