
Results: 358
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Children and Youth in DRR: community Level

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction has developed a survey to evaluate progress in implementing the 2021-2030 European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction roadmap and the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction commitments relating to inclusive risk governance in Europe and Central Asia with a particular focus on the participation of children […]

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INCREASE lessons to learn from earthquakes – Knowledge transfer workshop #3

This year it seemed that the earth is increasingly shaking in Middle East and surrounding regions. We experienced heavy disasters for example in Türkiye and Syria, Marocco, and Afghanistan. But also, countries like Iran, are highly risk prone to earthquakes. This knowledge transfer workshop is looking into operational insights, international aid mechanisms, lessons to learn/lessons […]

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Riskculture – Climate crisis meets Civil Protection

How do we as societies or groups perceive risks? How can the concept of society be understood and defined? And how should we think about and deal with risks in the future? Yesterday, Prof. Dr. Martin Voss from the Disaster Research Centre Berlin tried to find answers to these questions with his talk on risk […]

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Cop28 in Dubai comes to an end

After a narrow failure, the almost 200 participating countries agreed on a text with many compromises during 36 hours of negotiations in Dubai. The UN describes the COP28 agreement as “the Beginning of the End of the Fossil Fuel Era”. This is about turning away from fossil fuels, but not a final phase-out. However, it […]

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Day 11 at COP in DUbai

Carbon Market Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement allows international cooperation in order to meet the overarching goals of staying within 1,5C. This supranational collaboration entails the so called carbon markets, that allow the trade of carbon certificates. Some states do not support a central registration of all certificates in order to keep their own […]

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Last Weekend at COP28 in Dubai

Host for the COP29 confirmed COP29 in 2024 will take place in Azerbaijan. After Russia used its veto right to prevent the event from being held in Eastern Europe, the nations agreed on Azerbaijan. After Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, this means that another country whose economy is largely based on the export of […]

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Scaling Up Disaster Risk Reduction in Humanitarian Action

Conducting risk analysis during strategic planning excercises a) expands humanitarian focus from acute and urgent needs to chronic vulnerabilities and exposure to future risks, stress, and shocks, and b) helps integrate reduction of extreme vulnerability into planning to facilitate recovery, and therefore aims at preventing new and reducing existing risk, all of which contributes decrese […]

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