
Results: 358
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DLR School Labs

Every day, students from all grades and school types visit the DLR School Labs. These labs have been set up at nine DLR locations since 2000 to make complicated issues and unimaginably large numbers easy to understand for young guests. The pupils can carry out hands-on experiments themselves under expert supervision, always focusing on current […]

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Vorhergesagt & Vorgesagt – Aktionstag am 23. März 2024

The Klimahaus Bremerhaven is taking the current DWD special exhibition as an opportunity to focus specifically on the topics of weather, weather extremes and disaster prevention on “World Weather Day” and to organize various activities in the house. With a mixture of free workshops, weather shows, information stands, quizzes, experiment/craft stations and an evening science […]

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New SLE training courses for 2024

The Seminar for Rural Development (SLE) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is once again offering various training courses for experts and managers in international cooperation this year. Between the 13th of May and 22nd of November 2024, a total of ten training courses will be held on sustainable development, project management and other related topics. The […]

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GNDR Global Summit for Disaster Risk Reduction Day 3

The third day of the Global Summit of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) began with the Local Leadership Academy, in which participants were able to deepen their knowledge on the topics of fundraising and sustainability, project management and policy and advocacy. In the following parallel sessions, the topics of […]

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DRF Luftrettung missions in the past year

In emergencies, every second counts for patients with serious injuries or life-threatening illnesses. Efficiency plays an important role here and rescue can be carried out particularly quickly by air. In 2023, DRF Luftrettung was involved in a total of 36,000 missions – heart attacks, strokes and accidents were among the most common causes. There were […]

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Virtual closing event RIESGOS 2.0

Closing event: “Multi-risk analysis: What would happen if…?” On February 28, 2024 between 15:00-16:30, the virtual final event of the RIESGOS 2.0 project will take place. As part of the BMBF-funded RIESGOS 2.0 project, experts from various disciplines from Germany are working together with institutions from science, civil society and authorities in the partner countries […]

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EU Competence Center at the BBK

The European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) is the main instrument of European cooperation in civil protection. In order to ensure joint, systematic action in the Civil Protection Mechanism (also known as the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, UCPM), the federal and state governments have agreed to set up an EU Competence Center within the BBK. […]

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One year of Cell-Broadcast

The cell broadcast is one year old.This is a hazard warning method in which the warning message is sent directly to the cell phone or smartphone. As cell phones and smartphones automatically register with a radio cell when switched on, via which network reception is established, the warning message can be received without a pre-installed […]

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GNDR Global Summit for Disaster Risk Reduction Day 2

The second day of the Global Summit of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) began with the launch of the new report: “Making Displacement Safer Cookbook“, which contains the key approaches and ingredients needed to successfully reduce disaster risks for displaced people in urban areas. Ten ‘ingredients’ of good practice […]

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