Visit at IQIB

Visit at IQIB

Yesterday, the DKKV office, represented by Benni Thiebes and Ronja Winkhardt-Enz, visited the Institute for Qualifying Innovation Research and Consulting GmbH (IQIB) in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. The institute is a subsidiary of the DKKV member German Aerospace Center...
Avarage Flood Level of 7,50 meters expected

Avarage Flood Level of 7,50 meters expected

The continuous rain of the past few days and weeks has caused flooding in large parts of Germany. The Rhine is now also rising sharply and flooding large parts of the banks in Bonn, among other places. The water level rose by 1.67 meters within 24 hours between 9 a.m....
A Look back at COP28 by UNDRR

A Look back at COP28 by UNDRR

The 28th UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) closed with some historic outcomes on disaster risk reduction. In order to stop the creation of new disaster risks, the reduction and eventual transition away from fossil fuels...