Call for ideas to support the EU Green Deal and the UN SDGs

Call for ideas to support the EU Green Deal and the UN SDGs

The Space Agency at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) is launching a call for ideas to support the EU Green Deal and the UN SDGs. Possible application areas for the EU Green Deal: EU climate protection targets for 2030 and 2050; development of a fair, healthy, and...

DKKV-Newsletter #2 2023 is published

In the current issue of our newsletter we deal with the topic “Civil-Military Cooperation” and get interesting insights from experts about their work in the field of disaster and civil protection. In this issue, we also report on a new institutional member...
DKKV at the EUGEO Conference in Barcelona

DKKV at the EUGEO Conference in Barcelona

Last week, the 9th Congress of the Union of European Geographical Societies (EUGEO) took place in Barcelona. Our colleague Ronja Winkhardt-Enz participated in the session “Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) for a Resilient Future: Geographical linkages...