On 02 August, 2023 Tom Zugasti, research doctoral student of AFPCNT was visiting DKKV. He is conducting research on the topic: “Risk prevention and crisis management tools at the interface of cooperation between territorial players: feedback and comparative study on preventive flood risk management in three European territories: France, Germany and Belgium“.

The Association Française pour la Prévention des Catastrophes Naturelles et Technologiques (AFPCNT) is a French association that aims to prevent natural hazards, technological hazards, and disasters. The association contributes to scientific knowledge and practice in the prevention and management of disasters, manages networks of actors and promotes international and European action.

As part of the Franco-German cooperation, AFPCNT-DKKV regular meetings are held regularly, with the long-term goal of creating a European platform to facilitate European cooperation and the exchange of expertise and “best practices” between European platforms and experts.

Thus, we were very pleased to exchange with Tom about DKKV and AFPCNT, the German civil protection system and DKKV activities during and after the 2021 flood disaster.