PhD position (m/f/d) “Process-based ATTribution of Extreme Temperatures to Anthropogenic drivers” (PATTETA)


21. September 2023    


The University of Leipzig, Germany, is looking for a new candidate for a PhD Position (m/f/d) “Process-based ATTribution of Extreme Temperatures to Anthropogenic drivers” (PATTETA) within the climXtreme II project. The advertised position will analyse the drivers of recent heat waves, in Central Europe and beyond, and will conduct attribution studies on this topic. A possible focus will be on delineating the effects of anthropogenic aerosol changes and greenhouse gas effects on recent changes in heat waves. Furthermore, several approaches to take circulation variability and different heatwave precursors into account will be tested for attribution studies, and to better understand projection uncertainties.

Deadline for application: 21.09.2023

For more information about the position and the application, please click here.