The 4th European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC) is dedicated to the research on Resilience, Security, Technology and related Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) in the context of Maritime Systems, including but not restricted to (Offshore/Onshore) Infrastructures, Navigation and Shipping and Autonomous Systems. The intention of this workshop is to bring together researchers to present new results and ongoing projects as well as to exchange experiences and explore possible collaborations.
Prospective authors are invited to submit an extended abstract* (1-2 pages in IEEE template), which will be reviewed. Selected authors will be then invited for oral presentation and, optionally, submission of a full paper (4-6 pages). The full paper will go through a further review process and is published in the workshop proceedings. Authors of high-quality papers will be invited, after the workshop, to submit an extended version of the full paper for publication in a peer reviewed journal. (*Interested authors are invited to submit a full paper instead of an extended abstract.) The topics of interest include, (but are not limited to): Maritime Security Technologies, Resilience, Safety and Security and ELSA.
Further information can be found here.