Launch Event: Localising the SDGs in a Changing Landscape


20. März 2024    
13:00 - 13:30


How can regions and cities drive progress on the SDGs in an environment of increasing cost-of-living, high energy prices and precariosu food security? Localising the SDGs in a changing landscape, the OECD-SDSN policy paper will be launched, drawing on the results of a global survery jointly conducted by the OECD, the SDSN and the CoR.
The COVID-19 pandemic, persistent inflation, soaring energy prices and a projected slowdown in GDP growth have placed roadblocks on the path to achieving the SDGs. Progress is falling short on almost 50 % of the SDG targets, and 37 % of SDG targets are either stagnating or regressing, including on key targets such as those related to poverty alleviation, hunger eradication and climate action.
The webinar will take stock of major strides that cities and regions have achieved to localise the SDGs. Delivering into key policy areas affected by recent crises, the discussion will explore how the SDGs can serve as a powerful tool to counteract the adverse impacts on the cost-of-living, energy affordability and food security.

The virtual event will take place on 20th March between 13:00-14:30 (CET).

Please register here.