Call for Abstract: Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security


29. März 2024    


The 4th European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARE SEC2024) will be held as a hybrid event on June 06.-07., 2024, in Bremerhaven, Germany. The event is dedicated to the research on Resilience, Security, Technology, and related Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) in the context of Maritime Systems, including (Offshore/Onshore) Infrastructures, Navigation and Shipping, Autonomous Systems, etc.
Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstarct (interested authors are invited to submit a full paper instead of an extended abstarct) (1-2 pages in IEEE template), which will be reviewed by the program committee. Selected authors will be then invited to an oral presentation and submission of a full paper (4-6 pages), which will, after a further review process, be published in the workshop proceedings.

Further information about the abstracts and potential topics can be found here.
Deadline for submission: March 29, 2024.