Last Wednesday, several representatives of the Bonn Network of Civil Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction and some institutional members of DKKV met for a panel discussion as part of “…Wednesdays at the GIUB” at the Institute of Geography at the University of Bonn. Moderated by Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott and Regina Fleischmann, the five panel guests discussed the topic “Bonn – Pioneer in Disaster Risk Management” and presented the work of their organizations and institutions. They were joined by DKKV employee Ronja Winkhardt-Enz, who presented the 2030+ strategy and reported on how DKKV involves young people in disaster risk reduction work through the Young Professionals. Part of the panel were also Dr. Julia Höller (Member of the NRW State Parliament for Bündnis 90 die Grünen), Jochen Stein (Head of the Bonn Fire Brigade), Kathrin Stolzenburg (BBK) and Dr. Peter Billing (formerly of the EU Commission). The discussion was based on the disaster cycle, in which the different facets of “prevention, preparation, management and learnings” were considered from various disciplines and experiences. Afterwards, there was an exciting discussion with the audience as well as cold drinks and pretzels to round off the event with further informal exchanges.