Multiple risks management of extreme events in fast growing (mega)cities in Myanmar
© Benni Thiebes (eigene Aufnahme)
The MYrisk project deals with disaster risk reduction and mitigation in the megacity of Yangon in Myanmar. The project deals with the prevention of multiple disaster risks, a comprehensive sensitisation as well as an integrative management of disaster events.
The project is currently in the third of potentially four phases. In the preparatory phase (1st phase), literature research, workshops, field research and interviews were used to investigate the situation in the project region and to identify gaps in knowledge and data. In the definition phase (2nd phase), multiple risks in Yangon were examined in more detail. For this purpose, a database with resilient research data was created for the exchange of information between the participating institutions. Furthermore, various education and awareness programmes as well as prevention programmes in case of disaster events were designed.
In the third phase, the following goals are currently being worked on:
- Strengthening institutional preparedness for disaster risk reduction
- Application and evaluation of public awareness programmes
- Natural hazards risk reduction for system-relevant private services
- Conceptualise a way forward given the current pandemic situation to enable better reconstruction of infrastructure after disasters such as COVID-19.
The main focus of MYrisk is on three natural hazards: earthquakes, tropical cyclones and floods.
DKKV is involved in the production of information flyers for the civilian population as well as on the topics of risk communication also using new media.
A report on the project progress can be found in our March 2021 newsletter.
Project Period
November 2021 until April 2025
(current phase three of up to four phases)
Funding Body
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project Partners Germany
University of Cologne • Berufsfeuerwehr Köln (AFRB) • Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe Köln (StEB) • Notfallseelsorge • HotelResilient
Project Partners Myanmar
Yangon City Development Committee • Department of Urban Housing Development, Ministry of Construction • University of Yangon • Yangon Region Government • Myanmar Environment Institute



On the occasion of the SURE Status Seminar at the end of September, the MYrisk project partners met for a week in Bangkok. After a first MYrisk excursion to flood risks and the Klong canals in Bangkok, an exchange and introduction of the individual MYrisk project partners took place before the status seminar.
The second status seminar took place on September 26 and 27 as part of the funding priority “Sustainable development of urban regions”. Under the motto “Local and intercultural attitudes and cooperation”, around 100 participants from Germany, Southeast Asia and China came together to discuss the ongoing research of the SURE cooperation projects.
The status seminar provided a platform for knowledge exchange and networking between researchers and practitioners from different regions of the world working on the sustainable development of urban regions in Southeast Asia and China. The two-day seminar covered various topics relevant to achieving the SDGs and implementing the New Urban Agenda. The MYrisk project, with its focus on risk reduction and disaster risk reduction, presented itself in the form of two short presentations, posters and flyers and contributed important points for discussion.
The MYrisk team used the following two days for an intensive exchange in order to work out the next steps together. Among other things, the DKKV presented its lessons learned from the 2021 flood disaster and discussed the relevance of prevention by integrating a serious game.

Recommendations for Flooding

Recommendations for tropical cyclones

Recommendations for evacuation

Recommendations for the COVID-19 pandemic

Recommendations for earthquakes

Disaster prepardness and reslience at household level in Yangon, Myanmar
Current Information
Projectmeeting MYrisk in Bangkok
On the occasion of the SURE Status Seminar at the end of September, the MYrisk project partners met for a week in Bangkok. After a first MYrisk excursion to flood risks and the Klong canals in Bangkok, an exchange and introduction of the individual MYrisk project...