Joint webinar within the INCREASE project

Heavy rainfall events are among the most underestimated hazards, as they can occur anywhere and
lead to severe flood disasters. Floods as part of extreme meteorological events represent one of the
three scenarios which serve as a basis for the INCREASE project. As part of the INCREASE project, DKKV organised a public WebTalk on 08 December to address the severe flood events in July 2021 in Germany, to provide insights into the work of some German project partners and to stimulate exchange on promoting resilience in Iran and Germany.

The more than 80 international participants, mainly from Iran and Germany, showed high interest in the contributions from the project partners. After a short welcome and project presentation, THW (Federal Agency for technical relief) started with an overview of the flood event and the related operational work on site. KFS (Disaster Research Unit, FU Berlin) then showed a video that provided a visual insight into sociological observations on the flood and the concept of integrated disaster risk management. After a first round of questions, the TH Köln, the University of Bonn and the Leibniz Institute for Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR) then presented current research, lessons learned, methods and analyses related to the flood disaster and flood resilience.

The subsequent discussion showed the high relevance of the topic and how important a broad networking of actors from disaster risk management is – not only in Germany, but also internationally. The partners are looking forward to gaining insights into the Iranian perspective on hydrometeorological disasters at one of the next INCREASE events, to further exchange, discuss and learn from and with each other.

Further information on the INCREASE project can be found here.

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