The Global Risks Report examines some of the most serious risks that society could face over the next decade, against a backdrop of rapid technological change, economic uncertainty, a warming planet and conflict.

This year’s report contextualises the analysis around four structural forces that will shape the emergence and management of global risks over the next decade. These are longer-term shifts in the arrangement and relationship between four systemic elements of the global landscape:

– Trajectories relating to global warming and related consequences to Earth systems (Climate change).

– Changes in the size, growth and structure of populations around the world (Demographic bifurcation).

– Developmental pathways for frontier technologies (Technological acceleration).

– Material evolution in the concentration and sources of geopolitical power (Geostrategic shifts).

In each of these areas, new global conditions are taking shape, and these transitions will be characterised by uncertainty and volatility. As societies attempt to adapt to these changing forces, their ability to prepare for and respond to global risks will be compromised.

Read the full report here.