After having been introduced the day before, the DKKV office visited the Ahr Valley on 16 June together with Alfredo Zambrano, representative of the Peruvian “Centro Nacional de Estimación, Prevención y Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres” (CENEPRED). Dr. Elisabeth Schöpfer (DLR), Dr. Stefan Jäger (geomer GmbH), Harald Spahn (consultant), and Christian D. León (DIALOGIK) also accompanied this day as part of the “RIESGOS 2.0 ” project.

The excursion was led by Dr. Rainer Bell, scientist at the University of Bonn for “Geomorphology and Environmental Systems”, who presented the course of the flood disaster of 2021 on site. Stops were made at several locations from Sinzig to Müsch to discuss the sequence of events, basic flood hazards and critical questions about reconstruction.