12. Jun 2023 | General, Members
The board met on 6 June 2023 at the DKKV office for its annual closed meeting. New focal points of DKKV activities and some upcoming events were discussed. In addition, a strengthening of the young professionals in the DKKV was also considered. The ideas collected...
26. May 2023 | General, Members
Sabine Lackner will be the first President of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) in Germany. The Federal Cabinet made its decision yesterday. Lackner, the current Vice-President of THW, will take office on 1 July 2023 and succeed Gerd Friedsam, who is...
4. May 2023 | Early Warning, Frühwarnung, Gastvortrag, Guest contribution, heavy rain, Members, Mitglieder, Starkregen
Disaster management must be trained so that aid arrives efficiently in the event of a crisis – also in international disaster management. In addition to field exercises in which technical equipment such as pumps are used, tabletop exercises are primarily used to...
9. Mar 2023 | General, Members
If the motto is: Learn IN crises instead of only learning OUT of crises, then what and how do those whose profession is to provide education services in civil protection learn? From 10.05. to 12.05., the BABZ in Ahrweiler is planning an event on education in change....
9. Mar 2023 | Members, Mitglieder
This year, DKKV member German Red Cross (DRK) is celebrating the 140th anniversary of Germany’s oldest water rescue organization. Since 1883, the water rescue organization has been providing safety at, in and on the water with the help of its energetic volunteer...