Personal provision instead of bunker

Personal provision instead of bunker

For a long time, storm surges were the most important issue for Hamburg’s disaster management teams. The pandemic, war in Ukraine, cyberattacks and severe weather have added new challenges for which the disaster teams need to prepare. In view of the war in...
Federal City of Bonn as a nationwide centre for resilience

Federal City of Bonn as a nationwide centre for resilience

Last week, the federal government, the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate and the Federal City of Bonn region agreed on the key points of a supplementary agreement to the Berlin/Bonn Act. Resilience is a key topic of the supplementary agreement....
EU civil protection exercise in Germany

EU civil protection exercise in Germany

European civil protection is becoming increasingly important as the number of disasters increases and often exceeds the capacities of individual countries. Since 2010, large-scale exercises have been regularly planned and carried out throughout Europe in order to be...
THW 2023 review

THW 2023 review

The Technische Hilfswerk (THW) has published its annual review for 2023. THW started 2023 with a mission in Turkey. Following the devastating earthquakes, the THW’s emergency services helped to rescue buried victims, supported the United Nations (UN) mission and...