Recommendations from the Climate Adaptation Dialogue

Recommendations from the Climate Adaptation Dialogue

The German government is currently developing the German Adaptation Strategy from 2008 into a new, precautionary climate change adaptation strategy. This is intended to set out long-term concepts or behaviors and the measures required to implement them. In autumn...
New publication: Culture, psyche and disaster

New publication: Culture, psyche and disaster

This commemorative publication honors the multifaceted life’s work of Bernd Rieken, who habilitated in European ethnology at the University of Vienna and headed the first doctoral program in psychotherapy science at the Sigmund Freud Private University of Vienna...
FLORIAN Fair from October 10 to 12, 2024

FLORIAN Fair from October 10 to 12, 2024

The FLORIAN Fair for fire services, civil protection, and disaster relief will take place in Dresden from October 10 to 12, 2024. The focus will be on the challenges faced by emergency services in Saxony, particularly in light of current threats such as flooding and...
Disaster Response Exercise Berlin-Kladow

Disaster Response Exercise Berlin-Kladow

On October 19, 2024, a disaster response exercise will take place in Berlin as part of the KatHelfer-PRO project. The focus of the exercise is to involve the willing public, known as spontaneous helpers, in large-scale disaster scenarios. Therefore, the project aims...