Congress ‘Research for Civil Protection’

Congress ‘Research for Civil Protection’

The second ‘Research for Civil Protection’ congress will take place at the World Conference Center Bonn from 5 to 7 February 2025. The congress is organised by the BBK and is aimed at scientists from all disciplines involved in civil protection. The aim is to promote...
BMBF and BMUV accept WBGU report ‘Water in a heated world’

BMBF and BMUV accept WBGU report ‘Water in a heated world’

The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) has presented its new report ‘Water in a Heated World’ to Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and Parliamentary State Secretary Mario Brandenburg. The report describes the central role of water as an elixir of...
Workshop on social media in crisis communication

Workshop on social media in crisis communication

Social media has become indispensable in crisis communication, especially when warning of flood events and involving citizens in crisis management. Many local authorities have already gained positive experience, while others are still at the beginning. As part of a...