THW Deployment in the Czech Republic

THW Deployment in the Czech Republic

Due to heavy rainfall and flooding, some people in the Czech Republic had to leave their homes and apartments in recent weeks. To assist in this emergency and make the buildings habitable as quickly as possible, the Technical Relief Organization (THW) delivered...
Pact for the Future 2024

Pact for the Future 2024

The ‘Pact for the future’ was published as a result of the ‘summit of the future’. This event took place from 20 to 24 September 2024 and was part of the seventy-ninth United Nations General Assembly in New York. The ‘Pact for the future’ covers a wide range of...
THW-Jugend Montabaur wins national competition

THW-Jugend Montabaur wins national competition

The THW-Jugend (THW-Youth) Montabaur has won the 18th national competition of the THW-Jugend e.V. in Föhren. Teams from 16 federal states demonstrated their technical skills and creativity in aviation-related tasks. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser...