As an associated partner, we would like to draw your attention to the latest press release from the DRK-Schwesternschaft ‘Bonn’ e.V., which represents an important step towards strengthening civil protection for caregiving relatives. The Competence Centre for Care in Civil Protection, initiated by the DRK Sisterhood, is now working together with ‘wir pflegen – Interessenvertretung und Selbsthilfe pflegender Angehöriger e.V.’ to prepare caregiving relatives specifically for crisis situations. After the flood disaster in 2021, the need was recognised to include this often inadequately supported group in civil protection. The aim of the cooperation is to provide caregiving relatives with the necessary knowledge and skills so that they can continue to care for their loved ones safely even in times of crisis.
The cooperation pursues an integrative approach in order to better protect caring relatives as important actors in the event of a crisis and to strengthen them with practical training courses. The Springer Webtalk will take place on 8 May, where experts will discuss how caregivers can be prepared for crisis situations. This will be followed on 12 May by the Online Speakers’ Corner, in which experts will present their findings and approaches under the title “Care in civil protection – necessity, skills and education”. The events will be held in German. Further information can be found here. To register, simply send a short email to