THW-mission and international request for assistance

THW-mission and international request for assistance

Since before Christmas, emergency services have been struggling with the effects of the prolonged rainfall that caused serious flooding in some parts of Germany, particularly in central and northern Germany. With special flood-fighting equipment, the water...
Children and Youth in DRR: community Level

Children and Youth in DRR: community Level

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction has developed a survey to evaluate progress in implementing the 2021-2030 European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction roadmap and the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction commitments relating to...
Day 11 at COP in DUbai

Day 11 at COP in DUbai

Carbon Market Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement allows international cooperation in order to meet the overarching goals of staying within 1,5C. This supranational collaboration entails the so called carbon markets, that allow the trade of carbon certificates. Some...