Berlin Peace Dialogue: „Zeitenwende“ for Civilian Crisis Prevention?


5. Oktober 2023    
9:00 - 17:00


Auswärtiges Amt
Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin


In the light of an increasing number of parallel global crises, the Berlin Peace Dialogue 2023 will be addressing the question of what the “Zeitenwende” means for the future of civilian crisis prevention in Germany and internationally. This year’s conference will offer insightful testimonies and perspectives
from academia, politics and practical peace work.

The programme and details on registration and participation (on-site or digitally) will be released in August. If you have any questions, please contact the coordination office of the advisory board: Please find more information here.

(Konferenzsprache ist Englisch mit Simultanübersetzung ins Deutsche).