On July 20th, 2pm UTC (4pm in Germany), Risk KAN organises a webinar on Compound Extremes. A.Kruczkiewicz will talk about „Compound extremes in humanitarian contexts: Understanding, managing and preparing for current and future events“. The topic is described as follows:
Increasingly, we face compounding and interrelated environmental, socioeconomic, and political crises. Yet our approaches to these problems are often siloed, fragmented, and inadequate. We are at a critical juncture, faced with a need and responsibility to redesign institutions to be proactive, agile, and socially just when confronted with increasingly likely compound risks. However, new data and technology will not only solve these challenges and could in some cases be creating more challenges than benefits. Assuming the integration of new data improves the current state of decision-making represents a privileged view of responsibility, mandates and accountability – elements that will be increasingly vague as humanitarian situations become more complex and protracted. This talk presents examples of these challenges, creating space for discussion on opportunities to improve the translation and integration of climate, social and environmental data within humanitarian operations.
You can find the flyer here.