The webinar, led by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), will focus on the fact that cities are central to building health security preparedness and resilience. Municipalities can learn from the systematic impact of the COVID19 pandemic, and the array of complex risks often experienced during disasters and health emergencies. It is critical to integrate risk management and health security preparedness considerations into city planning and financing processes, allowing stakeholders to collaborate to reduce these risks. This webinar will explore building health security preparedness and resilience through first-hand experiences and expert analysis.
This Building Resilient Urban Systems webinar series is linked to the High-Level Meeting of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework taking place this month at the UN General Assembly. The Meeting is set to highlight health security preparedness as an important element of DRR at the urban and sub-national level.
The webinar will be held online on 3rd May 2023 at 07:00 EDT in English (with French and Spanish interpretation).
For more information and to register, please use this link.