Launch of the Gender Action Plan to support the implementation of the SFDRR 2015-2030


18. März 2024    
13:15 - 14:30


On March 18th, the „Gender Action Plan to Support Implementation of the Sendai Framework“ (Sendai GAP) will be launched in New York in the margins of the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. The development of the Sendai GAP has been facilitated by UNDRR, UNFPA and UN Women through a multi-stakeholder consultation process during 2023, in order to accelerate the efforts of all local, national, regional and international actors towards achieving the goal, outcome and targets of the Sendai Framework by 2030, with specific attention to the gender responsiveness of these efforts. The Gender Action Plan is designed to use existing mechanisms and networks to implement the 33 key actions of the Sendai GAP into DRR work at regional, country and local levels, in order to achieve the 9 key objectives of the Sendai GAP. To achieve this the Sendai GAP needs to be widely disseminated and discussed following the launch and well socialised at an institutional level. This approach also requires that Sendai GAP materials are accessible in style and content for a wide audience, including for national and local use by governments and civil society, are available in multiple languages and are accessible for persons with disabilities.

You can watch the livestream here.