European Humanitarian Forum 2023


20. März 2023 - 21. März 2023    


European Humanitarian Forum 2023
Rue Bara 175, Brussels, 1070


The second edition of the European Humanitarian Forum will take place from Monday 20 to Tuesday 21 March 2023. The event will be held in the EGG Conference Centre in Brussels and web-streamed on the EHF-website. The Forum, co-organised by the European Commission (DG ECHO) and Sweden in the framework of its Presidency of the Council of the EU, will take place in the context of sharply increasing humanitarian needs, changing geopolitical realities, and shrinking humanitarian space. The 2023 edition of the European Humanitarian Forum will offer an opportunity to strengthen the cooperation and partnershipamong countries affected by the crises, donors, international stakeholders, the EU, and its Member States. Through high-level discussions, political debates and practical workshops, the Forum will serve to jointly put forward innovative, sustainable, and efficient approaches to address the current challenges of the humanitarian world.

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