
Results: 360
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Behörden Spiegel Newsletter: The self-help capacity of the population

After the flood disaster in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia two years ago, demands have focussed mostly on better technical solutions. “But siren systems, warning apps or cell broadcasting are not the sole solution to the existing problems,” says Frieder Kircher, chairman of the joint committee on fire safety education and information of the German Fire […]

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Behörden Spiegel Newsletter: Firefighting robots as humanitarian aid

At the beginning of March, the President of the German Fire Brigades Association (DFV) was in Kiev at the invitation of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations (DSNS). There he spoke with the head of the service and chief of the fire brigade, General Serhiy Kruk, as well as regional leaders of operations. […]

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Special Issue Call for Papers: New Directions in the Evaluation of Civil Protection Exercises

Civil protection exercises are considered a cornerstone of increasing preparedness to real-life-incidents. They are considered to provide a vital ground to train and validate tactics and strategies, to identify strengths and shortcomings, to stimulate exchange on best-practices, or, to put it simple: to provide an opportunity for learning and development. As elsewhere, evaluation became more […]

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Call for Abstracts: Civil Protection in a disaster

For the Congress of the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS): “Critical Times” from 3rd to 5th July 2023 in Vienna, the Disaster Competence Network Austria is organising an Ad-Hoc Group on the topic of “Disaster Management in a Disaster” and is looking for papers dealing with the transformation and reproduction of structures in disaster management, e.g. […]

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High-Level Meeting on the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework: Stakeholder registration now open

For stakeholders including civil society organisations, private sector, academia and the scientific community, grassroots organisations, persons with disabilities, youth and women’s organisations, please register by 24 April 2023. Pursuant to the President of the General Assembly, the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Midterm Review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster […]

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UNDRR Survey on Disaster Risk Reduction

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) wishes to learn how the development community at large makes use of the tools and information resources it makes available for disaster risk reduction and whether they are useful for your work. By answering a short survey of seven questions, you can help tailor our future […]

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Free places in the SLE online training

There are still places available in the SLE Online Training: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming from 22.04. to 28.04.2023. SLE TRAINING is a training programme for professionals in international cooperation. Hardly any other field is as diverse and complex. Working in international cooperation requires commitment, sound and up-to-date knowledge and the ability […]

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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Urban Resilience Intensive Training 2023

The Urban Resilience Intensive Training (URIT) 2023 welcomes policymakers, practitioners and researchers to Copenhagen between the 20th and 28th of June 2023. URIT aims at expanding the participants’ knowledge on policies, tools, strategic and action planning for resilient urban transition, integrating climate mitigation and adaptation, for a just and green transition. URIT brings together transdisciplinary […]

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Reconstruction after heavy rain: Longest bridge in the history of THW

The German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) is the only civilian organization which is able to build bridges. THW is currently building the longest bridge in the history of THW in Linnich, North Rhine-Westphalia.The bridge was damaged by the 2021 heavy rain event and has been closed since then. Within a week, around 100 […]

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