
Results: 360
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Survey on the Involvement of Volunteers and Spontaneous Helpers in Disaster and Civil Protection

The Disaster Research Center at Freie Universität Berlin is currently conducting a survey as part of the research project “Atlas of Civil Society Engagement in Civil Protection” (ATLAS-ENGAGE). The survey is aimed at both voluntary and professional emergency and administrative personnel in disaster and civil protection, including authorities responsible for civil protection tasks and response […]

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Research Associate: Social Transformations-Real Labs in Transformation Design at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

The Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences offers a position as research associate for the project TransRegINT in the field of “Social Transformations – Real-world Laboratories in Transformation Design” at the Kleve Campus as soon as possible ! Applications can be submitted until 21 May 2023. For more information on this job opportunity, click here.

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Venro – Views on the financing of climate damage and losses

The Association for Development Policy and Humanitarian Aid (VENRO) has published a position paper on “The New Climate Loss and Damage Fund: Expectations for Structures and Financing“, which formulates expectations and recommendations for implementation. The Transitional Committee was set up for implementation and will develop proposals by this year’s UN Climate Change Conference. With a […]

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New Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Newsletter

The 8th issue of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network Newsletter is published ! This issue includes a testimonial from the Türkiye earthquake response, the belgian rescEU hub chanelling aid to Ukraine, a spotlight on the Disaster Resilience Goals, remembering the Skopje earthquake and the science behind the EU’s response to the earthquakes in Türkiye […]

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New IzR booklet (4/2022) published: Turn of the Times

The new IzR booklet on the topic ” Turn of the times: New demands on spatial development has been published ! The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 has implications for spatial development policy in Europe and Germany. In the current issue of IzR, experts discuss possible consequences and new requirements for […]

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Sealing study: Ludwigshafen is the most sealed city in Germany

The German Insurance Association (GDV) has published its sealing study: “Ludwigshafen is the most sealed city in Germany“. According to GDV, Ludwigshafen am Rhein is the most heavily sealed city in Germany. “Around 67 percent of the settlement area is built on, concreted over or asphalted,” says GDV CEO Jörg Asmussen. This is the result […]

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Halftime Conference for German Chancellor Fellowship 2022/2023

The Halftime Conference for German Chancellor Fellows 2022-24 was a five-day event held at Merseburg from April 24th to April 29th, 2023. The main objective of the program was to provide an opportunity for the fellows and hosts to come together and intensify their networking. Additionally, the conference aimed to enable the fellows to reflect […]

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