
Results: 358
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7th DRMKC Annual Seminar: Outcomes – Now Online

The 7th DRMKC Annual Seminar emphasied EU climate politics, identified knowledge gaps in disaster resilience, and presented innovative solutions, showcasing the critical role of science in building resilience and fostering collaboration. The report, which is available now, is bringing together all identified key findings in the categories of knowledge gabs, EU policy development, innovative solutions […]

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DKKV-Statement about the KRITIS-DachG is published

In light of the current draft bill to strengthen the resilience of critical systems, DKKV has written and now published a new statement. This document is based on the second draft bill of the KRITIS-DachG (as of 21.12.2023) and provides an overarching classification and statement. The Statement can be found here. The document is only […]

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Finale Paneldiscussion “Climate Crisis meets Civil Protection”

What lessons and wishes can we draw from the political implications, challenges and opportunities of the climate crisis? This was the topic of the last event in the “Climate crisis meets civil protection” series. In a panel discussion, representatives of operational civil protection reflected on the issue and placed practical experience at the forefront of […]

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Global Disaster Loss calculation for 2023

Munich Re, the world´s largest reinsurer, has released its global disaster loss calculation for 2023, coming to the conclusion of a total of US $250 billion. This amount of money roughly equals the entire GDP of Portugal or New Zealand. The main findings of the report: Read more about the assessment on the Munich RE […]

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Final Paneldiscussion “Climate crisis meets Civil Protection”

Following on from the last event, in which the political implications, challenges and opportunities of the climate crisis and civil protection were discussed, representatives of operational civil protection will talk about their wishes and expectations of politics and research as part of a joint panel discussion. To this end, we have invited Jens von den […]

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DKKV Newsletter #1 2024 is published

We are pleased to present the next issue of the DKKV newsletter. In this issue, we have dedicated ourselves to the topic of “space hazards”. Our fascination with space runs throughout human history, from millennia of history and exploration to modern science fiction. However, living close to an active star, in a solar system full […]

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New independent scientific advisory board of the BBK

A new independent scientific advisory board of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), consisting of twelve renowned scientists, began its work on January 26. In future, the council will provide scientific support for the work of the BBK for four years and advise the office. BBK President Ralph Tiesler said: “With […]

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Politics, Climate Crisis and Civil Protection

How do political representatives at different levels deal with the political challenge of the climate crisis and civil protection? We addressed this question yesterday, January 25, 2024, as part of the “Climate crisis meets civil protection” event series. In this context, Leon Eckert (federal government) and Uwe Adler (state government) reported on the political challenges, […]

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