The nationwide warning day, a joint initiative of the federal government, federal states and local authorities, is taking place today. From 11:00 a.m., a test warning will be sent via the federal government’s Modular Warning System (MoWaS) to various warning multipliers, such as radio stations and apps, which will then forward this message to warning devices such as televisions, radios and smartphones. Local warning devices, such as sirens or loudspeaker vans, can also be activated at the same time. At 11.45 a.m., an all-clear is issued via the same channels. At present, the all-clear is not yet sent via cell broadcast. The aim of the warning day is to check the technical infrastructure and inform the population about warning processes.

After the test alarm, all citizens can fill out a questionnaire about the warning day. Interested parties can find it here.

Further information on the warning day can be found on the website of our institutional member, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK).