The DKKV is…
German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V.(ger.: Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.)
Survey on water-intensive application measures and sustainable water management
In order to analyse the interplay between water-intensive operational measures and sustainable regional water management, an anonymous survey was conducted as part of a doctoral study. This is primarily aimed at managers of all organisations and authorities that are...
Expert reports on the flood disaster in the Ahr valley in 2021 are published
After 135 people lost their lives in the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley, the Koblenz public prosecutor's office conducted a criminal investigation into the actions of the disaster control authorities. As a result, expert reports were drawn up by a committee of...
COP29 from A-Z…
At COP29, over 800 meetings will deal with many topics relating to climate change. DKKV introduces you to the most important topics! Gender and Climate Change Climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, especially women, who face greater risks...
Call for applicants: EUMA Winter school in bonn
Disasters are becoming increasingly complex and have an impact on all areas of society. This increasing transnational complexity has brought with it new challenges that require the development of new innovative approaches to tackle these problems. In such a...
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What is disaster risk reduction?
Storms, natural hazards and extreme events can quickly become a danger to people and the environment. But climate change, extreme urbanization, power outages and fires also offer potential hazards.
A disaster occurs when the functioning of a community or society is impaired or interrupted and, as a result, high human, material, economic and ecological losses occur that cannot be managed alone.
Precautionary measures can help to reduce the consequences and impact of the disaster. Depending on the hazard and personal circumstances, the precautionary measures to be taken may vary.
Find out more about potential hazards and individual precautionary measures on our topic pages.