The DKKV is…
German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V.(ger.: Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.)
Online Expert Discussion on the KRITIS umbrella law: Comprehensive Protection or New Confusion of Responsibilities ?
On 16 May 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen parliamentary group will hold another online expert discussion on the CRITIS umbrella law with the question of how it can be possible to establish comprehensive, holistic protection of critical...
MIdterm Review of the Sendai Framework published in six official Un languages
On 18 and 19 May, the UN General Assembly's High-Level Mid-Term Review Meeting will take place at UN Headquarters in New York City. To mark the occasion, the UNDRR has published the Mid-Term Review Report of the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030"...
UNDRR Midterm Review – Good practices on disaster risk reduction
The "Good practices on disaster risk reduction" document from the mid-term review of the Sendai Framework 2015-2030 by UNDRR is a comprehensive resource that presents best practices from around the world for reducing disaster risk. It mainly focuses on promoting...
Bonn Network workshop on improving risk communication in communities
On April 20th, the Bonn Network, as part of the "Risk Communication (RC)" working group held a workshop aimed at improving risk communication among the population. The workshop was organised by the DKKV and attended by members of both the DKKV and the Bonn Network....
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What is disaster risk reduction?
Storms, natural hazards and extreme events can quickly become a danger to people and the environment. But climate change, extreme urbanization, power outages and fires also offer potential hazards.
A disaster occurs when the functioning of a community or society is impaired or interrupted and, as a result, high human, material, economic and ecological losses occur that cannot be managed alone.
Precautionary measures can help to reduce the consequences and impact of the disaster. Depending on the hazard and personal circumstances, the precautionary measures to be taken may vary.
Find out more about potential hazards and individual precautionary measures on our topic pages.